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My journey so far...

Having spent the last few months with horses on the brain from horse hunting, dreaming about sunny evening hacks, looking at yards and planning potential schooling exercises the thought of finding a horse this year was looking a little bit out of reach. I didn't want to rush into finding my new forever friend and admittedly I think I was trying to find my old horse in a new horses body (obviously impossible, Dee was one in a million, a horse that will forever be in my heart) so I decided to stop actively looking and instead try to post a 'looking for' post on my Facebook again.

I received a message from my old yard friend, about potentially full loaning her mare with the view to buy her if all goes well. Aerial had been on the yard I had Dee on a few year ago when she was only 4yo, wed'd actually gone a beach trip and dressage outing with her so I knew she was well behaved as a youngster and I also knew her owner thought the absolute world of her so I was so grateful to have the chance to even come see her!

Of course, I now live 3.5 hours away from 'home' so thought I'd drop that in early thinking it would be too far. Luckily for me, it wasn't and a few days later I was traveling back to Yorkshire to go see her and a week later she arrived in sunny Scotland! I was obviously over the moon, horses have always been my life and I hope I never have to take a break from them again.

I decided Id do a second post about Ariel and what we've been up so far so here's the link...

And if you want to read more about my horsey journey before my time out of the saddle keep reading!

Before my few year break I worked, studied, owned and rode other people's, horses were my life. Ive been lucky enough to work with show jumpers,polo ponies, sales yard, have work experience with equine vets and the mounted police, studied equine at college and have owned/loaned 3 amazing horses. I also spent a few years blogging and being a brand ambassador for Tottie clothing part of Harry hall riding, doing so made me enjoy writing and gave me confidence to start this blog 3 years ago too!

In 2015 I decided I wanted a non horsey career which led to me having to give up horses in 2016 to allow me to go to university and study to be a paramedic. I missed horses like you wouldn't believe in this time, but there's no way I could've fit the study time and placements shifts in with a horse. I've now been qualified almost a year and I'm just so so happy to be back in the saddle!

More about Jaffa, my first pony!

Jaffa is my first pony and my absolute world, he is the one I owe everything to, he made me into who I am today. Jaff and me started our journey when I was about 9 year old following a few years of riding lessons, admittedly our first few years I think I spent more time crying and being terrified of his crazy antics than anything else but still we loved him dearly.

As a I grew up abit, moved to a livery yard we joined pony club, something I always wanted to do but we never had transport or even knew how to join! Being about 13 now I probably looked a little silly on my little 13hh pony, both of us never jumped more than log and due to age put in a class with teenagers who go out BE eventing on a weekend, with posh horses and have been in the saddle since they were born but we didn't care, we were actually out jumping!

Jaff soon became well known in pony club, all you heard was 'the chestnuts on the run, 'jaffs loose again' as he galloped round cross country fields. Jaffa when he wanted to could jump, the issue was getting him to jump! He'd fly as fast as he could, head in the air, and no matter how much obstacles you put to stop him running out or rein applied, every so often he'd make a run for it the other way, at the very very last minute! He enjoyed jumping but much preferred the art of send your human over first and then go for a nice gallop. Despite the bruises and dismounts we always had fun and even the instructors admitted defeat with my 'cheeky little pony' (the only name I can type on here as you can imagine).

Jaffa now has a much quieter life living out his retirement with a younger pony, some goats and chickens. He owes me nothing and I owe him everything so as long as he's happy, I'm happy.

If you want to meet my past and present horses why not visit the 'meet the team' page!

Speak soon,




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