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Countrylife Community Challenge

To bring the countryside community together and to help with content ideas for your feed I have created the Countrylife Community Challenge.

All you have to do to take part is share your response to the following 12 questions on your grid or on your story. We will be starting on the 1st of November but this challenge can be completed at any time to suit you!

I have added a little prompt under the questions to help give you ideas on what to share and at the end of the blog is an easy photo to save with the full challenge questions.

I really hope this challenge brings our country community together at time where we all need to support and encourage one another and help spread some positivty accross our social media platforms!

Countrylife Community Challenge

Day one: How are you linked to country life? Whether you work, live or just love the countryside today is the day to share how you are involved in country life. Day two: What's your favourite thing about countrylife? This could be the views, fresh air, the fashion whats that one thing that truly stands out to you about countrylife? Day three: Share more about yourself and who you are. Try to include something your followers might not know about you, something new, something fun? Today's about introducing your self to new people! Day four: If you could choose only one animal that lives in the countryside what would it be? Just for fun, would you have a pet pheasant? cow cuddles? Hare in the house? Share your favourite! Day five: What's your favourite Instagram account and why? This is where you can share the account that inspires you, motivates you or maybe you just absolutely love seeing their content on your feed! Day six: Share a countrylife inspired photo that means the most to you. Don't explain it , let the photo do all the talking! What will you choose? A flock of sheep, new gun, beautiful hills? If the photos not yours please make sure you have permission and credit the owner! Day seven: What would be your perfect day in the country? Would you be out in the fields on the tractor? Wondering around the woods looking at wildlife? Out working the dog on your local shoot? Day eight: Post your favourite country inspired brands and give a reason why!

Will it be sparkling silver accessories? Pheasant feather belts? Leather handbags or maybe a floral print shirt! Day nine: Who have you met or built a friendship with through social media? Whether you talk online or have meet ups in person today's about sharing the love! Day ten: Share your favourite quote. This can be inspirational, personal to you , funny or just a little something you found that made your day! Day eleven: Today's about sharing your love for a small business! Whether you admire them online or have their products share them on your feed today! Whether country crafts, homemade cakes or equine supplements! Make sure you tag them too! Day twelve: For our final day post a photo from someone else's feed who has taken part in this countryside community challenge! Make sure you ask permission. Share if their responses have inspired you, have you been introduced to someone new through this challenge? Maybe you just love their photo styles! I hope you found this challenge fun and would love to know if you found it helpful in knowing what to post, if you met new people and if you enjoyed seeing others posts.

Thanks for reading and I would love if you could tag #countrylifechallenge to your posts!

Speak soon,

Meg xx


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