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Meet Ariel

Full name: Bowland Double Dance

Stable name: Ariel

Breed: ISH (3/4 ID, 1/4 warmblood)

Height: 16.1hh

Age: 7

Our journey so far... (if you've followed the link from my initial blog post you may want to skip a few paragraphs)

Having not even had Ariel a week yet our time together has been short so there isn't much to report on as the torrential downpours and constant thunderstorms put a abrupt stop to our first few days being productive work wise but she has settled into her new field like she has always been there which is the main worry with a new horse isn't it.

Our first day together we went for a very positive hack with our yard owner. Having tacked up and now in the yard we were both understandably a little tense, me having had three years off and Ariel still taking everything in we wanted to take things slow so after a few inhand walks around the yard my now 18hh dragon had settled back to her normal height of 16hh and stood like a gem as I mounted. She then continued to be an absolute star throughout the hack, I couldn't of asked for better behavior from any horse never mind one that had not even been here a full day yet!

Day two, three and four have now followed the same routine. Lots of rain, lots of storms and therefore very little work. I don't mind rain or riding it however I don't fancy my first ride in the flooded arena being one in a torrential down pour accompanied by thunder and wind, nor did I fancy braving hacking on our own just yet so we have spent our time getting used to the stable without other horses in, and I guess it's given her time to settled in her new field with her two new friends. Tomorrow does mean no matter what the weather we need to get some work done though, so brave pants on for me and im hoping I can find someone to ride with. Being a new yard and complete new area limits my people and hacking knowledge so I think its time for me to make some friends now, not just Ariel!

Our plans:

We are both unfit, Im not even meant to really be riding schooling wise (sorry doc) and I need to get my riding and confidence back up to scratch so we want to take things nice and slow, with no time limits or unneeded pressure but it also doesn't hurt to make plans does it. Im mainly a lover of flatwork and hacking so I hope to do some dressage, try some showing again and maybe even some endurance/ le trec once our fitness levels are up. Being in the Scottish Borders our hacking is amazing, and we also have the freedom to roam within reason so we don't have to stick to designated bridle ways as such like back home in Yorkshire. I would really like to get back into jumping too in longer term plans as following a injured back a few years ago XC, my jumping confidence took a big knock but it can only grow over time.

For now though were going to focus on variety within our schooling exercises, building fitness through hacking too and of course just enjoying each others companies both in saddle and on the ground. I adore pony pampering, so often practice plaiting, paint hooves and just 'play ponies' for the sake of being around horses so I just can't wait to form a bond with Ariel and of course share our journey of highs and lows with you all.

Speak soon,

Meg & Ariel.



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