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Blue lights and country life

A little update/follow on into my life now even further North!

Being known as a Southerner is very new to me! Having studied down South, coming from Yorkshire I was always 'the Northerner', I then moved further North to the North East for work as a Paramedic and now 6 month later I'm living in the sunny Scottish Borders with my other half and two dogs. A goal I feel that always been part of the plan it just took a few steps in-between and a few sacrifices (like phone signal,internet or any kinda of social life) to get there!

I now drive an hour to work, however the views are to die for and it's kinda nice to have an hour to just not talk to anyone after shift and just kinda shut off for the day I guess. I love caring for patients and chatting to my crew mate all day but it is always nice to just chill!

The country blogger awards shared a video the other day using social media as a way to I guess capture people's attention and then almost feed them to your blog so it's something I want to start doing more of. I find myself using Instagram as my main platform instead of using my actual blog so hopefully now I've realised I'll start to combine the two more often to promote one another rather than just solely posting on insta.

Anyway so I thought I would start with sharing my answers to a post by Rhea set out a few weeks (maybe more months) ago to let anyone new reading this learn a few more things about who's behind the blog in the form of 'take five things' challenge.I answered these originally on my Instagram feed but thought here is a good place to keep them for anyone wanting a nosey into who I am I guess without just listing a few facts!

So a quick run down is my actual name is Megan, I'm 22 and love the country life! I'm a gamekeepers girlfriend, adore dogs (don't we all) and like to share photos on instagram and occasionally write a few blogs (something I need to get back into doing more often). I work as a paramedic , love photography (my photos are shared @mjphotos_ ) and recently started a country life inspired subscription box & gift box business over at @featherandfell on insta.

So my take five things challenge answers are:

1.If you weren't doing the job you do, what would you do instead?

I love my current job but 100% would want to be a livestock vet! I grew up wanting to be an equine vet, but high grades and study time definetly put me off! I studied equine at college to go in to equine rehab side of things but had a complete change of heart so worked in forensic mental health for a year for experience while studying an online access course to gain biology & psychology a levels to then be able get apply to uni to be a paramedic and I've now been qualified 6 month! Realistically if I was to change jobs now I'd like to progress further into critical care side of things eventually but who knows, we are so lucky to have so many opportunities available!

•2 Favourite biscuit?

Got to be a good old rich tea, but definitely the finger ones!

•3 Horse you'd most like to own?

I would do absolutely anything on earth to be able to have Dee back! Dee was my old loan horse who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. My absolute dream horse! I don't know how I'm ever going to find another , she definitely set the standards high! Although since initially posting this I've been on the hunt for a new best friend and may have quite possibly found one so stay tuned!

•4 If you could take three things to a dessert island what would they be? My dogs for company and endless cuddles , camera because id want to capture the experience & a decent knife because I have to bring something practical right?

•5 A goal for the next 12 month?

To not kill anymore house plants honestly I am useless, I guess I should aim not to kill any people either but I'm better at keeping people alive than plants (luckily). I really want to get into shooting too and get out of my little bubble and start meeting with the @thecountrygirlsuk!

Before I leave you I thought I'd share some future blogs I have that will be heading your way soon. I'm also hoping to have some little catch up posts sharing what I've been up to and probably bombarding you with numerous photos I take and always forget to post on the feed!

▪️Fashion in the field: my top fashion picks to get you ready for the shooting season.

▪️Behind the blue lights: Your questions answered about being a paramedic & life in the ambulance.

▪️Feather & Fell: Introducing you to my country life inspired subscription & gift box business.

▪️Equestrian series- Getting back into riding: A blog about my journey back into the saddle along with some must have items to make sure you look good doing so too!

Speak soon Meg!


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