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You know you live in the country when...

You know you live in the country when it's perfectly normal to ▪️Spend £100+ on a sleeveless piece of fleece and wear it for absolutely everything. Snowing? Schoffel . Scorching summer sun? Schoffel. Out on the farm? Schoffel. Shoot day? Schoffel. ▪️Wear a messy bun for 3 days straight. Who are we kidding , it's perfectly normal to wear a messy bun always. ▪️Travel over 30 minutes to the closest supermarket/any form of civilization.

Youll probably then find a similar mix of welly wearers urgently trying to remember what to stock up on to avoid 'nipping' to the shop later on.

▪️Visit the pub in muddy country clothes, sometimes without even putting the 'posh' pair of wellies on. Nothing says your a local like cow poo stained wellies right?

▪️Spend more time talking to your dog, cows, sheep, pheasants than humans. I think I talk to my dog more than my partner to be fair. ▪️Use bailer twine to fix anything and everything. If bailer twine can't fix it , nothing can. ▪️Still have a landline, a what?! Yup, no mobile signal means your stuck on a good old landline with most of the messages likely to be 'the pony is out again' or 'the cows are in my garden'. Nothing a bit of bailer twine can't fix! ▪️Have a gun or 3 in the house and it being completely normal?! ▪️Realise the rubbish bins go out alot more than you do. ▪️Have some sort of cartridge and feather craft be it keyring, hat pin, phone case or a jug full of beautiful tail feathers.

▪️Love absolutely all of the weird and wonderful things living in the country brings!

I'd love to here what your favourite things about living in the country are?

What do you feel is perfectly normal but would be completely weird to a 'townie' ?

Speak soon, Meg xx


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