Thinking about blogging?

I often wonder why I still class my self as a country blog, my blogs are now very few and far between! Partially down to motivation to get my ideas actually wrote out into a readable format and of course as always time plays a big part too!
I love blogging but for me blogging was never going to be a chore so despite lots of ideas for potential blogs, it's rare any ever get finished and published. If I have the spare time to venture the fields with the dogs or sit and write a blog inside I always choose the latter which works for me!
When I first started the blog I was cooped up in my uni room longing to be in the country. My blog was what kept me connected to the country life and I'm so glad I took the leap to create it, it's given me so many exciting opportunities and connections. Anyone who wants to set up a blog I would 100% reccomened you do, keep it real and don't feel pressured into posting.
'Quality not quantity' as the saying goes, which brings me onto my next ramble...
With so many country bloggers on the scene if you are just starting out or maybe like me you've had a little time away or just don't post often the blogging world can sometimes feel a little intimidating. You question whether it's worth posting, is anyone actually going to read this? Am I writing about the correct stuff? Is my content as good as 'insert name' content? I'm sure similar has gone through your head with either blogs themselves or Instagram posts.

Although these thoughts inevitable , like with anything, we will always no matter how positive and non competetive we are as a person ,I believe we will feel this and we will question our abilities. It is what you do with them thoughts that matter. There's no point disliking the said blog creator because they appear more successful than you (I use successful lightly, as feel there's no successful or unsuccessful blog post) , or trying to adopt their style and content to use within yours (again inspiration is good, copying not so much) and we will always question our own abilities but I honestly think if we all support each other, we all use our unique brains and creativeness, our own way of writing, photography , styles and life we will be creating content that people will enjoy reading!Â
We don't need to have our blog 'success' deemed by the views of each blog, the amount of followers on Instagram or endless list of brand ambassadorships! Blogging should be for you, blog when you want to, blog about what you want and if that means posting at the same time every week or randomly every blue moon then you do that! I feel it should be no pressure, a place to unwind and just like I'm doing now have a ramble, attempt to get a few points across and just support each other! None of this competitiveness, or sense of disappointment when your 'rival' blogger gets more followers, no 'you call yourself a blogger' or just down right bitchyness .Â
Together we can be such a lovely collection of people who all love the same thing which is of course the country lifestyle. We need to be together not against one an other.Â
Personally I love reading all of the country blogs, I love seeing new faces pop up, what people have been up to, what life on the farm has been like this month with so and so, keeping up with what's new in country fashion etc.. I currently prefer reading other blogs to writing my own so I'm sure others do too!
 This blog made no sense but if I don't post today then it will go in my pile of never will be uploaded so I hope there's something you can take it from!

 I'd also like to to add I have nothing against anyone who's a brand ambassador, but I know it can be off putting when starting out seeing people who work with all these fantastic companies, you definitely feel a little like what's the point of trying! Honestly just keep loving and sharing everything you love as you never know! I am absolutely honoured to be a brand ambassador for Hiho Silver, a brand I have adored since horse shows as a little girl so naturally any jewellery I purchased was shared on my feed because I loved it and wore it daily so don't be discouraged! Utilize tags and mentions but don't fall in to the trap of accepting every opportunity if it doesn't work for you too!Â
You don't have to be a brand ambassador to be a blogger, and theres no prize for the most companies you can collaborate with either! I feel like this will lead into a brand new blog if I carry on so I'll stop soon but I thought I'd also add that there are some amazing companies out there that offer brand ambassorships in my eyes the right way, a way of working together to support each other. Hiho are fantastic at creating opportunities, a feeling of working together with no pressure! They understand that blogging is mainly only one little part of your life so not only is there no pressure but it means photos we share are off our own back too! There's no forced advertising of the products, no rush to create content and post so many times a week about the brand! We all post because we love the products and brand as a whole , definitely creating a better honest vision for the customer too so thank you Hiho!
Just remember to blog for you and in your own time and don't worry about the views or the followers just relax and happy blogging! Meg x