Enough of the perfect
The perfect career, the perfect lifestyle, the perfect family, the perfect Instagram post? We are all familiar with everyone’s expectation of perfect but is this perfect way of living controlling our lives? Taking away our individuality? Shaping people into what there not? Adding to much pressure to ‘be a better you’?
What even is ‘a better you’? Yes we can always thrive to be ‘better’ but reading ten top tips on how to ‘be a better you’ is not going to help you achieve this. You might wake up earlier to make that healthy smoothie or turn off your phone an hour before bed because a certain blogger told you to which may have its benefits but it does not make ‘a better you’. We are stuck in a world of believing everything we read, longing to snap that perfect photo and judging perfect by a distorted reality.
Forgive me if it is only me that feels this way but I have just about had enough of perfect! Only you can truly define your own definition of perfect. My scruffy spaniel, devil of a pony, long distance relationship and muddy boots aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but that’s my life and I am living it.
I’m done with following fashion bloggers to see ‘what’s hot’, the next Gucci belt is not replacing my Mackenzie and George Wycombe. Straight blonde hair is not replacing my hay filled messy bun and the cute office dress and heel combo is not replacing my ripped jeans and mud covered wellies. I am no longer dreaming of owning the ‘perfect’ outfits because I now have my own kind of ‘perfect’. The best kind.
I have always felt like I needed make-up to be confident, snap chat filters to post a selfie and look like a model to wear anything remotely tight. My goal this year was to stop giving a f*ck. To wear what I wanted without the fear of looking fat. To not wear foundation without the fear of being judged for dark zombie eyes or that pesky spot. Its work in progress but I’m heading in the right direction and I feel much better for it! I earnt the dark eyes from working a night shift, staying awake to try and help people, I shouldn’t need to hide them! The natural spot does not need covering, we all get them and your weight does not define who you are. There is not a ‘perfect’ size.
It’s no surprise that social media plays a huge part in the ideal expectation of perfect! Blogging/Influencing seems to be the ‘on trend’ thing and with that becomes a huge challenge to be the best! One photo on Instagram has endless outtakes, we share photos that try to capture people’s ideal view of perfect. There is nothing wrong with spending time or putting effort into taking your shots and its understandable if blogging is your career why this matters so much but this is not me. I do not aim for the perfect or the biggest country blog/account. I do not share products to make brands happy, to gain free things. I don’t keep my feed full of perfectly posed shots. I prefer a variety of my most loved favourite products, my dreadful looking 5 layer outfits to stay warm and a less posed view into my idea of perfect.
I feel like this blog was more of a rant than anything useful to read but if you take anything away from it then just make sure you continue to be your own perfect self, do not add pressure to be someone else’s idea of perfect and if you do want ‘to be a better you’ don’t always rely on the top ten tips, probably taken from a google search with no real meaning!
Speak soon,
Meg xx
I mean no offence to any blogger/influencer or anyone reading this who think ‘sh*t that’s me’. Just because I don’t agree or like Gucci belts or top tip posts it does not mean other people don’t. Being a blogger, although I try to avoid controversial topics, I would hate to upset anybody, sometimes you just have to rant!