2018, a year to do YOU! (new year goals)
"Have a kind heart, fierce mind & a brave spirit"
I'm sat in the same baggy jumper, eating the same unhealthy food , reading the same unfulfilling women's magazine to maybe find one thing worth reading if I'm lucky. Yup, it's now 2018 but I'm still the same, it's more than week in and nothing's changed other than deadlines looming closer. My point being no matter how many blogs or magazine articles I read, how many new year work outs, smoothie recipes or pretty gym clothes I see, the whole new year new me scenario just isn't me. Instead of new year resolutions I'm going with new year goals and there gonna be achievable, but not soul destroying if their not met and most definitely not something that will happen overnight.

Make healthier choices. I feel like I need to get the cliché out of the way first so yes one of my new year goals is to get healthier and a little bit toned but only for the goodness for me and not for the fact someone else might like me that way, well other than I need to fit in my favourite jodhpurs again come summer! I'm not talking go crazy on some mad diet and exercise regime thats meant to make you insta famous. I'm talking some low key just healthier choices and making time to exercise sometimes. With exams coming up it may need to be postponed slightly but you know it's my choice if I eat a bag of chocolate one day and 3 apples the next, not some set in stone fad diet. A chocolate bar isn't going to kill you guys (well just yet, anyway) that's for future me to worry about. Start a bullet journal and welcome creativity.

I have a very creative and overactive mind that is sometimes lost in strict to do lists and the fear of running out of time. My goal is to take a step back, paint if I want to paint, go out and take photos if that's what I want to do and basically just sometimes forget about the the made up rules and to do's of the day. Channelling my creativity into a bullet journal is something I want to start doing. I've heard nothing but positive reviews, it allows for positive planning and I love to doodle! I love the idea of writing down the little things that make me happy yet are so easily forgotten . The smell of real fires, duvet cocoons, untouched landscapes,the first sip of good coffee, the freedom, fierceness yet tranquillity of the sea to name a few.
Embrace the outdoors, really feel it and live for the moment.
I love to explore alone , you can go where you want to go and for however long you want. Being outdoorsy like I'm sure many of you country lovers reading this are it is easy to take our country side and beautiful views for granted. Every once in a while take a deep breath e and truly experience. Find your special place or places and visit them when you need to clear your head, relax or just need some alone time that a bubble bath just won't cure. I love high mountains or quiet beaches stood on rocks as the rough tide comes in.

Study hard, work for what you want to achieve.
As much as time out is beneficial, you do need to balance it with the right amount of work too! I'm really struggling with finding the motivation to do daily reading for uni this year and essay writing seems like the biggest most put off task. It`s definitely something that needs changing this year. I had no problems until about November and now I'd rather do almost anything but the important stuff! I do lots of non structured reading but with exams getting closer I do need to plan my reading a lot more! Whatever you need to do to get to where you want to be , work hard and it will happen but don't let it take over your life.
"In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed"

I really want this year to be the year that just works out, as I'm sure many of you want too but I really hope it does! I don`t like wishing too far ahead as change is always going to happen and things aren't always going to go as planned but it doesn`t hurt to dream a little right? My aims this year are to pass my uni course allowing me to qualify as a Paramedic, do amazing things with this blog, officially reopen my photography website and business and find my special four legged friend! Having two years away from horses, other than my little Jaff has been so hard and I can`t wait to fill my spare time with them again! What are your plans?
"Wishing you peace, love and laughter in the new year" Sorry for the delay in this post, 2018 hasn`t been the best start and I'm having a nightmare with laptops and phones breaking! So alot of content I wanted to share has been lost, along with uni work and photography. I'm not sure when this can be sorted as I can`t afford a new lap top right now so relying on my very old and small iPad. This does mean my blog can`t be edited, so I can`t get rid of anything Christmas themed yet which is annoying or add new content that's not blogs. I think the app allows for blogs to be posted though, which is something! Sorry for the lack of country-ness in this blog and the ending is a little rubbish too! I'm having a moan at everything while it breaks, stay in bed and eat rubbish while dreaming of a better body kind of day! I need pony cuddles! Thank you for reading, speak soon, Meg xx