How I spent Christmas.

I am a little bit of a Grinch when it comes to people so the lead up to Christmas with busy shops, panic buying and people everywhere its not the most liked time of year, put it that way. This year i was determined to make the most of it though as it's probably my last one off in a while! Being away from home for placement and uni and having Tom working in Scotland for most of the year it was really nice to just spend time at home with my favourite people and animals for longer than just a few days!

Other than wrapping presents very badly the lead up to Christmas was pretty normal. My Christmas started on the 23rd when Tom came home and we spent the day shooting clays and eating cake at the cutest cafe before spending the night binge watching Peaky Blinders with two 10 week old Labrador puppies! It was nice to have a day where one Tom was actually home and he actually had a full day off work! game keeper problems...

Christmas eve and day was spent with family and not much happened , just nice chilled out days with lots of foods! I was a literal pig in a blanket by the evening! Boxing day is probably my fave day! I don't like doing nothing for days on end, I have to get out of the house! It's become a tradition now to watch the local hunt! Armed with my camera, sister and Tom we had a lovely time watching the meet and despite the negativity in the media the atmosphere was brilliant , with so many spectators! We then had a gorgeous pub meal in the peak district with my mum and dad before again a Peaky Blinders binge session with the puppies!
Wednesday Tom went back home to Scotland so after a lazy morning it was back to reality and looming uni deadlines! I really enjoyed Christmas this year just spending time with your loved ones is definitely more appreciated when you have had time apart. A huge thank you to all of those who worked Christmas too especially my 999 family!

Thank you for reading,
Meg xx