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'Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful'

“Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful”

We try to live a perfect life when really not being perfect is actually so much more fulfilling. We admire the country side and all its beauty , we don't pick out all its imperfections do we? So why do we do this to ourselves?

I've been feeling a little unsure recently with my blog, Ive not known what to post or when to post or even if I really want to post any more. I’ve been blogging for a few years now but unfortunately never had the time to fully invest into my blog as much as I would like to.

I’d love a professionally designed logo, personalised domain and a professional photoshoot to fill my feed full of beautiful photos dressed in gorgeous country fashion brands ... wouldn’t we all!

Unfortunately for me these are currently unrealistic goals but does this make me less of a country life blogger? I’d like to think not but it does always play in the back of your mind. Don't get me wrong I adore seeing everyone else’s styled shoots, beautifully captured fashion shots and scheduled posts and if that works for you then that is perfectly fine but for me, its just not doable.

I just needed to realise that my blog is in fact MY blog, it’s MY content, it’s MY life and therefore I can share and post whatever I like whenever I feel like it. All I have to do is shut the part of my brain off that says what will people think, is it good enough, do my hips look too big and actually embrace what I have and just be grateful.

I've also realized I take so many photos that I just don’t share and write blogs that never get published but from now on I want to motivate myself to just do it. It’s partly a struggle down to no internet in the house so unless I take the laptop into my local(40 minute drive) Sainsbury’s to steal the WiFi I have no other way of actually editing my website , uploading my camera photos etc. I can post a blog on 4G but can’t edit the text to fit with my theme , struggles of living in the country ay? But I want to try and post more, without feeling like my content has something to prove I do actually enjoy blogging again!

I guess the point of this blog was to just share something with you all, and hopefully you’ll stick with me on my journey into the next stage of my life in the country (blog coming soon, hopefully... Who needs scheduled posts😂)

So for now I’ll just share some recent photos of my blue lights and country life that currently consists of admiring beautiful scenery at home adventuring with the dogs and I now get to enjoy it at work too! Well apart from nightshifts the hour stretch of A1 to hospital that’s filled with costal views through the day is not as scenic in the pitch black, with a very poorly patient but hey we can’t have it all can we!

Until next time Meg x


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