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Aye up, 



'The Girl in Green ' is a growing web

and social media platform for

everyone interested in the outdoor

lifestyle. The website primarily to host

a blog for all things equestrian, country

and paramedic related.  



What to expect in future posts?

I hope to show you my life in the countryside as a gamekeepers girlfriend. Ill be posting a mixture of outfit inspirations, product reviews, life as a paramedic and of course endless ramblings related to the countryside. 



Work with me?

As a growing blog I am always open to featuring your ideas and topics within my posts. Just drop us an email to get involved. 


I would love to collaborate with businesses also so please do not hesitate to get in touch! I can help with product reviews, articles, competitions and giveaways, advertisement and much more. 


I am currently looking for individuals who can offer monthly blog posts , please get in touch if you are interested. More information to follow. 



Many of my own photos will feature on the blog usually with the watermark 'MJ PHOTOS'. This is my photography company name and therefore I have permission to use the photos and they are not copyright. 

more about meg


Just in case you want to to know more and something a little more personal I've put together a few quick facts about me. (work in progress, this will be updated soon)


1. I am currently lucky enough to live in the beautiful Scottish Borders, surrounded by stunning views with my partner and our dogs. I am a Yorkshire lass at heart though and I think Yorkshire will always be my true home! 


2. I feel like our pet list is forever growing but between my new home and my Yorkshire home we have a 18 month old Labrador- Bernie, 10 month old wirehair pointer Rupert, then at my parents home we have two cocker spaniels Pip and Skye, a rabbit I bought spontaneously while at uni called Flo and my first pony Jaffa who's loving his retired life as an expensive lawn mower! 


3. Despite loving and living in the country I am actually a Paramedic. A career I adore and hope to eventually further progress into critical care. 


4. I got into the country life so to speak through the equine side of things. I previously worked with and studied horses and always enjoyed the country side. I then met Tom and with his career being a gamekeeper it naturally progressed into not just loving the countryside but it being my life. 




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