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2018 started off full of uncertainties. being someone who likes to do lists, planning and to feel slightly organised not knowing where in the country I’d be or what I’d be doing was a little unsettling. I’ve gotten used to not knowing what shift I’ll be on next week, whether I’m living at home, Northampton or road tripping to stay with Tom in Scotland on the drop of a hat but with job applications within 8 hour radius’s, exams looming that decide my future and the possibility of actually being a ‘real’ adult at the age of 21, while most of my old school friends are somewhere warm, partying in a pool with flamingo floats and ten out of ten tans it was a slightly strange feeling!

A few weeks and a lot of hard work later it’s less than a month till I move into my new house, in a brand new location starting my job as a newly qualified Paramedic. I’m now happier as I have actual dates, I can plan and pretend I’m prepared and have my life together a little bit more than before but it doesn’t make it any less scarier! It all happened so much quicker than I originally thought too! Due to being a registered health care professional there’s lots of checks prior to being given a registration to practice as a Paramedic as it’s a protected title. As uni final deadlines are the middle of August this won’t be back till late October so originally start dates are normally around that time. Due to training etc it’s now much earlier and you can work/train under the student paramedic title.

On one hand this is excellent because i need money to eat and live but on the other hand it meant I had less than two months to find a house to rent in areas I’ve only ever driven through! Luckily after a few trips I’ve found a lovely little house to rent that I can’t wait to add my own touch to. Although not as close to Toms house as I’d of like due to job location, it’s cut my journey to Toms by half so he’ll be seeing a lot more of me 😉 it’s less than two hour away from my family too so i quite like the independence without being too far away! I’m not sure where this blog was meant to go but I like adding a few more personal posts to keep you updated with my life and why I’ve been a little quiet again on the blog. I didn’t plan on having my own place straight away but my trust at home didn’t hire for Paramedics although I do quite like the idea of living alone (well alone with my pet rabbit ) I’m not sure on how much I’ll be posting over the next few weeks as I have a few uni bits to do, photoshoots, packing, learn how to cook more than a pizza and mow a lawn neatly but there will be some posts on the way! I’m super excited to share my shooting season style series with you!

I’m also hoping to do lots of interior posts as I find new bits for the house, hopefully I’ll find a good clay shoot too so I can save for a gun and meet some fellow country lovers around Durham! Lots of people have asked if I’m moving in with Tom too. Unfortunately not yet. As tom gets his house with his job being a gamekeeper this limits where I can work. As a newly qualified paramedic the rota to start with is a little all over the place , with only limited areas within some trusts hiring. As Tom is in Scotland the process is different so for now I’ve chosen the trust based on what they had to offer, progression routes etc . I am much closer to Tom (about an hour half-2hours) so for both of us it’s much better than what it was. Hopefully in the future we can find somewhere together, my trust goes all the way to the borders so eventually I’ll be looking for a rota line higher up so I can move in! Speak soon, Meg x


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