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Blogging is back.

As many of you are aware I have taken a little break from the blogging side of ‘the girl in green’ while I completed my final exams. I am very happy to say I finished my last one yesterday and are now even closer to qualifying as Paramedic! This also means I can finally start blogging again and I can’t wait to share the future plans of ‘the girl in green’ with you.

I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has continued supporting me both with university and the blog throughout the past year! Unfortunately while I've been away I missed the official one year of blogging anniversary but I'm sure once I share some exciting news below you will forgive me! Before I fill you in with the details I thought id do a quick little sum up of what I've been getting up to in my past few months away.

My break started with numerous essay, portfolio deadlines and exam revision along with theatre placement. I finally got to put into practice my uni taught skill of endotracheal intubation, which requires the passing of a tube down a patients trachea to maintain a adequate airway. Practicing this on alive (but sedated don’t worry) people who have just come in for routine operations is much more nerve wracking and trickier than the university dummies! I really enjoyed this placement and got some excellent tips from various anaesthetists for doing the skill in emergency situations on the road. Unfortunately my grandma passed away during the final week of the placement so I still have a week to catch up and few more tubes left to sign off but I'm quite looking forward to going back!

I spent any time I could at Toms in Scotland. No phone signal and rubbish WIFI means I have no distractions so do so much more work than at home, plus going out to work with Tom makes a much better view for revision than 4 white walls!

My most recent trip was solely spent revising minus one morning where I took a trip to Floors Castle Horse Trials. The weather was amazing and I finally got to test my new lens out eventing but did have serious riding withdrawals!

Then came the dreaded exams!

Ours consist of 6 (sigh of relief as it was originally 10) practical exams (OSCE’s) where you were observed and graded on your practice in different scenarios all with lots of different possibilities making it very broad to revise for. These consisted of Advanced Life Support, Trauma, Management, Paediatric Management and two Patient Assessment scenarios ranging from a child with anaphylaxis, a cardiac arrest to a full cranial nerve assessment for a headache. OSCE’s seem to be a lot more stressful than written exams. I'm a pretty chilled person but the wait for practical exams is horrible! Knowing the job you’ve worked so hard for depends on the outcome probably doesn’t help either!

The written exams were a week later and included a pharmacology paper, pathophysiology paper and a clinical care paper and they were quite challenging to say the least and by the end of Fridays 3 hour paper my brain was definitely mush!

End of final exams called for a celebration so last night was spent with lots of gin and my amazing little paramedic family that’s formed over the past two years!

I now have the practical second parts of job interviews , a minor injuries placement, ambulance placement and a portfolio session and exam result dependent I'm then done and hopefully a qualifying Paramedic! Apologies to anyone who didn’t like my little life story there but I have had a few requests of a 'what I've been up to at uni' post so there we go. I do love writing about my ‘blue light’ side of the girl in green but Im never sure if it deters people from my blog or not!

Future plans for the blog: As I'm still a little busy blog posts may be a little all over the shop but I do hope to restart the monthly posts such as ‘brand of the month’ posts focusing mostly on smaller businesses I love! I have lots of content ideas including country photography tips, a series of gamekeeper girlfriend posts and plans of a ‘where to visit’ section of the blog so I can add a few of my own reviews of some places I love from the Town of Kelso in Scotland to cute local cafes.

The blog itself is going to undergo a bit of a touch up too. Originally I was going to go for a full revamp but lots of you via Instagram like it already so some little updates may work better. The blog will be much more organised into more specific pages with lots of little extras for you to view including a lot of your favourite outfit inspiration board posts. Lots more in store but you will have to wait and see as I don’t want to give too much away! Finally, to thank you for your continued support and to celebrate the blogs belated one year birthday a very exciting competition will be announced shortly! Its going to be a good one with a lot of my favourite brands involved so keep checking for updates! I will post details on my Instagram and the blog as soon as I can tell you more!

Thank you for your patience, I hope my future blogs are a little more normal and interesting but felt like I needed to explain life really!

Speak soon, Meg



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