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Feeling a little abandoned? This month has been a little hectic with my placements all over the place, lots of night shifts, uni deadlines creeping up, restarting my photography , planning lots of exciting brand features for you guys and of course the super exciting and jam packed Christmas gift guide is being created so unfortunately the blogs have suffered as a result! Although it will be worth it, i promise!

Having a few days off last week (finally) I went to see my gamekeeper boyfriend who lives in the gorgeous Scottish borders and I thought why not share my little road trip with you guys! In reality im just avoiding writing my essay #procrastinationqueen. To keep you interested Ill overload you with pheasant, deer and hill photos too, arent you lucky!?

4 hours sleep post night shift I set off to Scotland, a little sleepy but coffee fuelled and armed with my new dream camera lens, I couldn't wait to try it out in the loveliest of places and of course see Tom! Forgetting its now dark early/thinking its morning (night shift workers will understand) and despite the dreamy sunset on the drive up I was a little gutted that I had to wait till the next day to snap some pics!

Friday I accidentally slept way later than expected but finally caught up on sleep I could go venture into the gorgeous country side and visit the local town. One of if not my fave towns, with cute little cafes and filled with country shops it couldn't be more me! After mentally buying Barbour wax jacket from Orvis, Fairfax boots and a Dubarry purse from A Hume and a gorgeous knit from Fat Face I got a quick coffee and returned to the house to get some uni work done, boring i know!

Saturday, another shoot day for Tom meant another day exploring alone. After a walk to a river I love and getting over the fact I should of brought the dogs I went for another coffee in town and made the most of actual working wifi. I caught up on blog related messages, got some gift guide ideas, did uni work, wrote a blog for tottie clothing and had a little happy dance when I found out I had been chosen to be part of team Frederick Wilson Clothing as the country brand ambassador!

Numerous stops on the drive home later, you cant miss photo opportunities, meant Tom was home and we went to the pub for a few drinks and finally got to spend some time together! Sunday is my fave day at Toms as theres no shooting, selfish I know but I get to go feeding which means even more photo opportunities. We also got chance for a little trip out to floors castle for some dinner together before returning for the evening feed.

As promised Monday I took my camera to the beach to take some photos for my mum. I have never seen Bamburgh beach so quiet! A photographers dream! The tide was just coming in which meant lots of sand still but the perfect amount of crash on the rocky areas. I could watch the sea forever and after pondering over life, attempting some good shots and taking in the fresh sea breeze I finally returned back to Toms and off we went to the pub again... theres wifi !

The thought of the drive home back to the reality of uni work and a 4am start for shift the next day meant i stopped at every opportunity so despite the rain a spontaneous detour was made to the deer park! Lots of deers, pheasants and squirrel made excellent models and it was nice to have a quiet walk surrounded by autumn leaves before returning back home to my crazy spaniels.

Not my usual blog post but I wanted something that wrote naturally so I didn't abandon the blog completely and kept you a little bit updated! In terms of where I am with the gift guide the layouts are complete , theres just the last few brands to confirm and gifts to add! The release will be the end of November so keep your eyes peeled! I also need to share the amazing game bird designs with you all too! As a proud ambassador of the gorgeous country accessories I cant wait to share the blog with you to introduce them!

Thank you,

Meg xx


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