Emma Cawston Art

“Highly passionate about creating high quality memories and art for the animal loving community all over the world.”

Finding high quality art can be hard to come by and finding a style that catches your eye too is even harder! When I found @emma_cawston’s instagram I couldn’t help but browse through all of her posts, I was instantly attracted to her work! The pieces are stunning and there’s
something for everyone. Its definitely one of those must see accounts!
Emma specialises in gorgeous equine and pet portraits and wildlife art that’s designed and made in the UK . Emma lives and works in Cynon valley, Wales with her Staffordshire bull terrier and her husband. Emma loves the outdoor lifestyle and states that she “loves anything with nature, if there’s an opportunity to go outside, I am there”. Purchasing from a country loving, British based brand makes Emma’s art even more fascinating and gives another reason to add a piece to my wall!

Not only is Emma an excellent artists she also takes most of her own photos from travels around the world! How exciting! If you want your own pet creating in the best quality pencils then Emma does that too! She states

“I Like to capture the personality of the animal and create a lasting memory you can share for a life time.” As an animal owner that is what you wish for and more in a bespoke commissioned portrait. Unfortunately our beloved pets aren’t here forever but with one of Emma’s gorgeous portraits they can be remembered in more than just lovely memories.
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Finding a favourite piece was too much of a challenge. The originals are truly stunning! One which has always stood out for me is ‘awoken clarity’. The detail is out of this world and the hare’s expression which is sometimes lost in artwork is so true to life it’s like a mirror image of the real thing. Being a hare lover too, I couldn’t not add a little bit on this outstanding artwork by a very talented lady! The more you look the more stunning it gets!

Emma doesn’t just sell prints either! Emma offers bookmarks, magnets, key rings , greeting cards and much more all featuring exceptional original designs at very affordable prices. To visit Emmas store visit
www.emmacawston.com you won’t be disappointed! You may even be inspired to pick up a paintbrush again like me!
Thank you for reading,
Meg xx