Flatlay Frenzy

Flatlays have taken bloggers, businesses and Instagram by storm. Gone are the days where flatlays were only for the fashion and beauty bloggers. The growing craze is seen in all of your favourite social media sites and used by all of your favourite brands, but why?

Flatlays are perfect for showing off a variety of products at one time! They create a story and they can include lots or very little. They are very personal to the creator but are loved by many! There a great way of showcasing new products on one photo which is great for businesses or add an inventive on trend style to your personal photos. They also make amazing square photos which is ideal for Instagram!

So you know why theres a flatlay frenzy but what are they?
Flatlays are basically just a photo of something taken from directly above causing the image to look flat. Normally taken on a flat surface with items arranged in a uniform or messy order, or a combination of the two. The possibilities are limitless.
Before I leave you with some inspiration i thought id share a few quick tips to creating the perfect flatlay.

1. Reduce background noise.
Solid backgrounds make the items pop and it also avoids any distraction. White is ideal , marble or fluffy rugs are popular but for a more rustic feel wooden tables or floor tiles would look great.
2. Use natural light.
Using indirect natural light works best, avoid using flash. Too much light creates shadows,blows out lighter colours and looses the crisp detailed look of each product.
A birds eye view is best, think 'up and over'. Standing on chairs above the items laid out on the table seems to work well. Don't be afraid to experiment though, try a few angles! You may not get the 'flatlay' but you may get some awesome shots!
Keep it simple and experiment at first, if your experienced then go ahead and fill your boots. Saturation, colour and light are the make or break to flatlay editing. Apps such as VSCO or Afterlight are my favourites but Instagrams own editing works fine! If you are experienced then Lightroom or Photoshop may work better for you!
5. Make it personal.
Be inspired but don't copy other layouts etc. Flatlays are about using your own unique style to create something individual and amazing. They are great for using instead of stock images, great for outfit inspiration, telling stories , showing off new products or getting your brand or out there.
A little more on flatlays
Having being inspired to create my own flatlays after seeing Rhea Freeman (@rheafreemanpr) post on instagram and seeing the amazing flatlays the 'small and supercharged VIP flatlay challenge' created I thought it would be rude not to explain a little about it.
The VIP group runs challenges each month and last months challenge was flatlays. This involved the amazing Rachel Bragg (@r_h_bragg) from @sweet_images_uk who's a equine lifestyle photographer, her images are a must see! The challenge itself included resource pages, Q and A's , videos and a competition where three fantastic flatlays were chosen as winners. Does the small and supercharged VIP sound like something you want to get involved in? Click Here.
A quick word from the flatlay queen Rachel Bragg.
"I love flatlay images, there's always something unique about each one! The diversity of content, the way textures and angles can really bring what's in sight alive, capture your attention and really engage you. I love that you can be as ordered or as chaotic as you like too.
Creating these mini stories with my clients, gives me another chance to tell the tale of our time together. I get excited about them too! We all need a USP in business today in order to stand out in some way. Whilst the process of a flat lays isn't unique itself, the strong and regular inclusion of them in my own content has created a point of difference to many other photographers in my chosen field.'
Want to see more of her gorgeous work? Click here.
Need some inspiration?
See below for some stunning flatlays from small and supercharged VIP's.

Kirsty Pearce- Equispire.co.uk

Ruth Chappel- @dressage_anywhere featuring EvoEquine

Izzy White- @Izzywhitephotography

Beth Hicks- @BethHicksPhotography

E j Lazenby photography - ( IG - janey01226)

Michelle Charman- @ForelockBooks(facebook) @freddieforelock (instagram)

Naomi Leach- www.nlequestrian.co.uk

Beryl Shuttleworth- The Herbal Horse

Anna Howlett- @annahowlettartwork on Instagram and www.facebook.com/annahowlettartwork

Zoe Bateson - @equestrianlifemagazine
Thank you for reading,
Speak soon,
Meg xx