Finding your new friend is equally as stressful as it is exciting, with so much going on its easy to forget the essentials, even if it is your second time round! Its important to make sure you have all the correct equipment, care products and stable essentials before your new horse arrives. If you leave it too late, you will definitely end up needing it!
To make things as easy as possible I've teamed up with Harry Hall the online 'one stop horse shop for all your equestrian needs' and created a 'equine essentials' must have product list to help you along the way. Harry Hall is home to 'the best loved and most trusted equestrian brands' such as Caldene, Roeckl,Tottie and Masta!
Please note all horses require individual products and items, this is a list of the basic essentials that are handy to have prior to the day of arrival. Whether your horse is kept at home, on grazing or on livery etc will also change what is needed. Its always useful to ask the horses owner if anything particular or out of the ordinary is needed too.
Most of these products can be purchased from Harry Hall. If you click the underlined text you will be taken straight to the product! Unfortunately some products may need to be purchased elsewhere, but as Harry Hall continue to work with even more brands and extend the product ranges i’ll make sure to update the list!

Shavings fork Straw fork
Poo scoop and bucket
Feed bucket
Water bucket
Handle bucket
Bucket cover Feed bins
Feed scoop Feed cover
Feed stirrer
Hay net or hay bag Disinfectant Wheel barrow
Stall chain/guard
Wall/tack hooks
Grooming kit:

You may choose to buy a ready made kit such as the Cottage craft grooming box which is already filled with the essentials or alternatively you can buy items as individuals.
Essentials may include
Grooming bag/box Body brush
Dandy brush
Face brush
Mane and tail comb or brush
Hoof pick
Hoof oil brush
Massage mits
A selection of brushes and colour combinations can be found on Harry Hall just click here
Lotions & potions:
My personal favorite items, can you really have enough?
Mastacaredo a growing range of all sorts from herbal shampoo’s to hoof oil’s you can check
the range by clicking here

Very basic essentials could include
Mane and tail detangler
A hoof balm or oil (make sure you read into whether its use is purely for show or whether its for care and maintenance. )
Fly spray and cream
Coat shine
One of if not the most important pieces of kit you can own, in my eyes anyway. Even if you choose a basic equine first aid kit is better than having nothing, you will likely build onto this as time goes on. I always find it useful to keep adding to if I’m at the tack shop, it can be an expensive ordeal if you wait till something goes wrong! Products can be purchased separately or in bundles.

Essential items may include (but are not limited to) are :
Vet/flex wraps (and lots of them)
Mastacare currently have an medical bundle offer which includes a antiseptic scrub, white veterinary wound powder and herbal skin gel all handy to have in.
Gamgee roll
Poultice and wound dressing
Skintact/non stick dressings
Cleansing wipes
A pair of tough scissors
Cotton wool
Clean/new set of 4 bandages – the last thing you want to do is to be hunting around for clean exercise bandages in front of the vet, keeping a set just in case can be a way to stay organised.

Tack although essential is something personal to the horse and current owner so I will just be covering the basic items, without going into bits and bridles etc. Harry Hall do stock these though so do make sure to check that section of the website out too.
Head collar Lead rope Saddle pads Boots and Bandages- what you purchase will depend on what you will be using your horse for, and what designs you like or whether you even choose to use boots and bandages at all. Harry Hall have an extensive selection from sheepskin tendon boots to infrared bandages.
Tail guard
Travel boots
Rugs this will depend on what season it is, how the horse is kept etc, does the horse come with rugs already? Harry hall have a huge selection available just click here

It’s important you are equipped correctly too, accidents happen to all of us and out of nowhere, especially with unknown horses in unknown environments so make sure if you aren’t purchasing new safety wear your current items are up to date and safe to use! Id recommend taking extra precautions to start with, it may feel foreign if your not used to it but leading in a riding hat, gloves and correct footwear can help prevent or lessen injuries.
Harry Hall have a huge selection of both women's, men's and children's riding and casual wear from a range of brands.There really is something for everyone!
I hope you've found this blog useful and I wish you the best of luck with your new horse, remember if you do forget something it isn't the end of the world either!
Speak soon,
Meg xx